Hudson Dental Care offers braces for adults, young adults and teens. We are proud to use FASTBRACES® Technologies and have been using them for many years. From closing gaps to correcting bites and crowding, FASTBRACES aligns your teeth in as little as 45 days. Please contact us at 770-438-1520 to schedule your consultation with Dr. and get started on your orthodontic treatment today.
Before & After
73 Days
90 Days
121 Days
162 Days
What is FASTBRACES Technology and What Are Its Benefits?
Orthodontics is experiencing remarkable advancements in diagnosis and treatment. In today’s fast-paced world, a powerful new approach called FASTBRACES has emerged, offering quicker teeth alignment and significantly reduced treatment times compared to other orthodontic systems. Surprisingly, some patients can complete their treatment in just 60 to 90 days, compared to two years. This patented technology is unique in that it grows the alveolar bone supporting the teeth by repositioning the roots of crooked teeth from the start of treatment.
Crooked teeth have always posed challenges for cleaning, with aggressive bacteria threatening overall health. These bacteria can potentially lead to conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, colorectal cancer and respiratory infections. FASTBRACES technology enables our dentist to address the stubborn gingivitis and periodontitis often found around crooked teeth by rapidly straightening them, sometimes within 60 to 90 days. What used to be a routine dental cleaning now includes orthodontic evaluations, allowing Dr. to straighten teeth quickly and efficiently using FASTBRACES in our private office. Tested by universities worldwide, this technology offers comfortable, attractive options for both children and adults. Dentists can now avoid removing healthy teeth or reducing enamel and eliminate concerns over lost aligners and the need for retainers for back teeth.
Call 770-438-1520 today to find out more about Dr. ’s choice of FASTBRACES in Smyrna, Georgia, and schedule your personal consultation!